Race, Class, and Vital Capacity Measurements: Historical Considerations
Feb 17, 2011, 12pm, Science Library 3rd Floor

LUNDY BRAUN Royce Family Professor in Teaching Excellence and Professor of Medical Science and Africana Studies, Brown University

Lundy Braun (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1982) is a Professor of Africana Studies and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and a member of the Science and Technology Studies Program at Brown. Her current research focuses on: 1) the history of global exchanges of knowledge about race, science, and medical technologies in the 19th and 20th centuries; 2) the socio-political and economic production of invisibility of asbestos-related diseases in South Africa; and 3) the contemporary debate over race, genomics, and health inequality. She has participated in national and international workshops on race, genetics, and health. She is currently working on a monograph, Racialization of Lung Capacity Measurements: A History of Spirometry, 1840 to the Present, that explores how race became attached and embedded in this widely used technology for measuring lung function.