'Not Everybody Knows that I'm Actually Black': The Effects of DNA Ancestry Testing on Racial and Ethnic Boundaries
November 18, 2010, 12pm Science Library, 3rd Floor

WENDY ROTH, Sociology, University of British Columbia

The interest that motivates Roth's current research is how social processes like immigration, intermarriage, or interpretations of new technologies challenge racial boundaries and transform classification systems. Her focus in this area is usually tied to its implications for stratification and race relations. She is interested in how concepts of race and ethnicity change and how those changes shape actual social interactions and relations between ethnic and racial groups.

Roth's research is often multidisciplinary in orientation. She was a Fellow in the Multidisciplinary Program in Inequality and Social Policy at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government from 2000-2006 and a Junior Early Career Scholar at the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies in 2007-2008. Her interests often lie in the intersection between sociology and such fields as political science, social policy, economics, anthropology, organizational behaviour, and biology.